FlyAway Productions - The Wait Room (2019-2022)
I served as technical director, rigger, and set fabricator. The show used a dynamic stage, powered by a motor to raise and lower a rotating deck. I oversaw the assembly, maintenance, and transportation of the set. Set designer: Sean Riley. Choreographer: Jo Kreiter. Photo Credit: Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee.

FlyAway Productions - Mercy (2020-2021)
I served as technical director and oversaw the rigging/set installation for this studio rehearsal space and performance site in San Francisco, CA. Set Designer: Sean Riley. Choreographer: Jo Kreiter. Photo Credit: Austin Forbord.

Hellweek Movie (2021)
Rigged set and assisted in creating special effects for a movie. Director: Camen Hodges. Writers/Producers: Jori Phillips and Camen Hodges. Photo Credit: Camen Hodges.

In Process:
Building and rigging the doors, drapes, and ascending stairs that break apart and “float”.
Bandaloop - Africa Cup Opening Ceremony, Libreville, Gabon (2017)
I was among a team of riggers for setting up the ropes and overseeing the safety of the aerial dancers.

Hot Air Balloon Escape (2018)
I served as the head rigger for a hot air balloon escape act executed by LadyBeast. I designed the anchor system attaching her to the hot air balloon. She is suspended by her ankles, while bound by a strait jacket.

Bandaloop - Oakland,CA (2018)
I rigged for the vertical dance group, Bandaloop from 2014-2018.

FlyAway Productions - Tender (2018)
I was part of the fabrication team, welding the metal “boat hull” that was suspended off the corner of a building for an aerial dance performance. I also rigged for the production, including setting up systems to haul generators to the roof over the street.

UpSwing - Oakland, CA (2019)
I designed a mechanical advantage system to haul a globe with an aerial dancer inside for an aerial performance. I fabricated the metal anchor system attached to the ceiling beams and set up the rigging system. Globe Photo Credit: AK Sandhu